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Italian label Time To Kill Records have announced that they have what they’re describing as “a relentless mix of death metal, grindcore, hardcore punk and a few sludge moments” to distribute on 2nd August in “The Grip Of The Naked Mind” by Brainsore. The story goes that founded in Modena by drummer Don Gulag and guitarist Holy Father in spring 2022, the duo eventually recruited vocalist Horcrux Urethra (ex-Jesus Ain’t In Poland) and started focusing on songwriting and live activity, storming the stages all over northern Italy. The outcome of those endeavours is a twelve track debut album from which “In Life Is Coils” is now streaming. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.
Vocalist Horcrux Urethra comments: “Here the lyrical concept is the volcanic and somehow deranged depiction of life as an hardship itself, a pinnacle of traumas. Like most of my lyrics it’s visionary, abstract, misty and unclear. The lyric title says it all: in life is coils

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