NEWS: Dreadmask begin their fear campaign!

What better way to start the day than a bowl of stone chippings and some Melodic Death Metal from The Netherlands? The first single from upcoming EP “Thy Prime Dread” has landed like a sucker punch from Dreadmask in one called “Reign of Fear”. Formed in early 2023 with members originating from Greece, Hungary and The Netherlands all based out of Eindhoven and with a prior conviction sheet, the promise is of a blend of Swedish Death Metal inspired riffs, growling vocals, soaring melodies, Progressive Metal nuances and Black Metal inspired melancholy…

The band comment: “This is the first single from our debut album, “Thy Prime Dread”. The song addresses coping with a reign of fear, and having nothing left to lose. Through a maze of trials, it’s about being free from fear and constraints”

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