Vs. Tuesday: Two Bands! One Song! Who Wins? FIGHT! Exodus!
Aside from Testament, Exodus are arguably the other biggest band outside of the Big Four of Thrash, best known for Gary Holt’s incredible guitar work and although they’ve had a myriad of frontmen including Rob Dukes who is the man (“Shovel Headed Kill Machine” enough said!) , probably Steve “Zetro” Souza’s uniquely dry vocals. Although never a single, fans favourite “The Toxic Waltz” is a track Exodus dare not cut from their live set!
In the Red corner, we have Crisix who will release “Crisix Sessions: #1 American Thrash” on 8th November via Listenable Records. An album of Thrashterpieces recorded, mixed and mastered at Amplifier Studios? Sounds like it’s beer O’clock! In the Blue corner we have Lich King who aren’t named after a World Of Warcraft character but do have an impressive 6 studio albums out since their 2007 debut “Necromantic Maelstrom” and love a bit of Toxic Holocaust! Who wins? You decide!
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