The Black Map #267: The Freudian Session from Reading! (Reading Rising IV Edition)

It’s Sunday morning and you know what that means. Steaming hot cup of coffee. Favourite easy chair. Nursing a hangover from the night before and wondering just how you gained two cuts and a tattoo. It was probably worth it. Happy people with no scars have no stories and stories, well they mean you’ve got something to talk about with friends, family members and potential partners in crime. But we digress. The real reason we’re here is to talk about the fourth incarnation of Reading Rising Festival, which will take place on 18th November with 12 bands spread across 2 stages and absolutely zero clashes. Like Pokémon, you can catch every single band and with the bar strategically placed between those two stages, get a drink on the way through. What could be better? Here’s the line up so far…

Our Hollow Our Home (headliner)
Confessions Of A Traitor (headliner)
Crushed By Waves
Our Fate
The Freudian Session

…there even an after party DJ set from Our Fate guitarist Finn Panhaleux running until 2am!
…and 2 more bands to be announced!

Joining the mix that ranges from Alternative Rock to Metalcore for Reading Rising IV are The Freudian Session, a quartet who have headlined the venue in their own right on numerous occasions in the past. More recently sharing stages with Mondo Generator, Cancer Bats and Sham 69 while playing iconic venues like Camden Underworld, they’ve grown in stature but will be quite literally jumping at the opportunity to play a home town show. Known for their crazy live energy, witty banter and sing-a-long moments the Punk infused Metal quartet who are inspired by everyone from The Wildhearts to Therapy? and The Clash they’ve been churning out the hits since 2015 and we can testify to how good they are live having reviewed them twice in recent years. There will be blood, sweat and spilled beers served alongside riffs a plenty as material from last years EP “Breaking Point“, including the brilliance that is the politically and socially aware “Greed” gets an airing and there is always time for classics like “Snapchat Wanker” or “What’s Your End Game?!” from 2019’s “Spitting on Swans“. The loveable rogues have a good ol’ fashioned sense of humour about them too so there may even be the odd prank or two…

We’re proud to be a Media Partner of Reading Rising IV. If you want a ticket for this year’s incarnation you can find them here

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