Without wishing to sound bleak, there are three certain inevitabilities in life – Birth, Taxes and Death. Perhaps that’s part of the subliminal message behind the long awaited, highly anticipated sophomore EP “Closer to Death” from Masquerader or perhaps they’re simply trying to encourage you to embrace life because it’s finite. Recorded, mixed and mastered
They may have promised that “Nothing Will Change” but electronic Post-Hardcore upstarts Masquerader are playing new material in the live arena. The knob twiddling maniacs have announced they’ll be providing the United Kingdom with four back to back nights of passion dubbed the “Closer To Death Tour” and running as follows:
Riding on the crest of a wave Seething Akira have a lot to be proud of with a sophomore album in “Cancel Estate” appearing just before them headlining “The Night Before Rabidfest” warm up at The Jericho Tavern in Oxford a week ago. Taking influence from Pitchshifter, The Prodigy and countless others the Portsmouth Electronic
It’s finally here. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. The sun is shining. The weather is sweet. Makes you want to move your dancing feet. It’s the the day of the annual Hawaiian beach party that is Summer Bash 666: Hell in Hawaii, hosted by Progressive Death Metal Kings Mercury’s Well. We arrive at
For one last time we have the opportunity to tell you why you don’t want to sleep on this year’s Summer Bash dubbed Hell in Hawaii hosted by Progressive Death Metal Kings Mercury’s Well. So let’s break it down to brass tacs and rusty nails, once more with feeling. No less than 10 bands from
Saturday 13th July at the Facebar in Reading is is when and where the sixth incarnation of Summer Bash from Progressive Death Metal trio Mercury’s Well is taking place. An annual event that has been expanded for the second year running meaning that 10 bands including your gracious hosts will be taking to the Red
The warning signs are all around us, hidden in plain sight. Something wicked this way comes. 10 beasts are arising the black depths, their sights set on reducing the Facebar in Reading to a pile of dust and ash. They will attempt to do so on Saturday 13th July at Summer Bash 666: Hell In
One more time with feeling? Let Mercury’s Well spin your World off its axis on 13th July at The Facebar in Reading as the Progressive Death Metal trio host the sixth incarnation of Summer Bash. A Hawaiian themed beach party that will see 10 bands take to the Red Room stage for a day of
In case you missed the memo, let us confirm that the sixth incarnation of Summer Bash from Progressive Death Metal trio Mercury’s Well is taking place on Saturday 13th July at The Facebar in Reading. As with last year’s event that means 10 bands including your gracious hosts will be taking to the stage and
In what World do Reading Progressive Death Metal Kings Mercury’s Well and Liverpudlian Rockers The Beatles get mentioned in the same sentence? Back in 1967 The Beatles gave the World an album called “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” which features a track called “With a Little Help from My Friends” and that sentiment is