Review: “Harvesting Our Decay” by Third Chamber
Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Garrett McElroy at Deadecho Studios and Mastered By Deigo Fernandez at Oracle Studios, Old School Death Metallers Third Chamber have worked tirelessly on their debut EP “Harvesting Our Decay”. Hailing from Alberta Canada, the quintet feature members of After Earth, Culled, False Flag, Lordosis, Meggido and We Found The Body in their ranks, with death being the main ingredient in their Metal melting pot that promises hints of grindcore and hardcore amidst flavours of politically charged lyrics. As for influences, they cite The Black Dahlia Murder, Suffocation and At the Gates as being firm favourites…
…”Parasitic Communion” gets “Harvesting Our Decay” off to an in interesting start with a smattering of blast beats and some Melodic Blackened Death Metal riffs. The vocals from Shane Hawco are a wet growl of anti-religious sentiment that are accented enough that they take a little bit of getting used to get all the lyrics. A slow down for some atmosphere building with a big bass line offering Jazzy touches is very well worked into the songs close and it’s it’s thunderous chugging aggression isn’t lost. “Mind Rot” continues to use the bass guitar bigger in the mix with some jackhammer footwork on the kit and some solid Technical Death Metal riffs to create a brooding sound. A bright solo is the short fuse to some deeper and darker vocals from Hawco that are clearly cathartic as much as they are cryptic writings. “Choke” isn’t the Sepultura cover that some of you may have hoped but you wouldn’t put it passed Third Chamber not to produce an “Arise” era cover from the Brazilian Thrash Masters. Instead this cut has a seafaring ebb and flow riff with a brutal blast beat section that evokes thoughts of sea monsters climbing from the cold dark waters in search of human flesh. It’s almost a tale of two songs sandwiched together as the band suddenly change gear around the two and a half minute mark, plunging into a verse to a backdrop of entirely different riffs.
Title track “Harvesting Our Decay” talks of humanity destroying itself using machines to drain the Earth of its natural resources and in turn while we prosper now it will ultimately lead to our downfall. It’s a powerful sentiment to take home and think about once the blistering set of riffs have finished buzzing in your skill. Politically charged it’s a bone crushing affair. “Terror Formed” engages the Dentists drill for the introduction before pilling in with a another powerhouse set of chunky chugging riffs that judder the soul. The metronomic kit work is done to perfection and the caustic vocals measure humanity up for it’s coffin. Another tale of two halves, this one leaps head long into Blackened Death Metal after a groove laiden opening half, while a majestic solo is wonderfully self indulgent. All the experience of the band members is evident in the bands sound and if you’re a fan of say “Worldwide Negative” by Krysthla, then this one is very much for you [8/10]
Track listing
1. Parasitic Communion
2. Mind Rot
3. Choke
4. Harvesting Our Decay
5. Terror Formed
“Harvesting Our Decay” by Third Chamber is out on 22nd November and available for pre-order here