Tag: Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

Review: “Warfield Forever” by Necronemesis

Fifteen years after they released their third EP “Warfield Of The Dead“, Puerto Rican Death Metal seers Necronemesis have returned to the trenches to re-record it with modern production values and equipment. Elevating it from a demo to something a little more modern without losing any of the charm of the original is no mean

NEWS: Empires Of Euphrates offer “A Kingdom With No King”!

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have welcomed Death Metal supergroup Empires Of Euphrates to their label for the release of their debut EP “Echoes Of Ancient Past“. Hailing from Maryland, the trio is the brainchild of Vincent Matthews (Dying Fetus, Criminal Element, Sadistic Torment), Kevin Talley (Decrepit Birth, Misery Index, Suffocation) and Jim Ross (Bandwhore)

NEWS: Necronemesis remain on the battlefield!

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions are set to release EP “Warfield Forever” from Puerto Rican vile Death Metal beasts Necronemesis on 1st December. The follow up to their critically acclaimed 2021 album “Some Things Should Stay Underground” has a wealth of pre-order offerings including t-shirt bundles here while boasting five fresh cuts with lyrical themes

Review: “Midnight Assassin” by Sadistic Force

The body of work that Sadistic Force have put together over the past few years has been nothing short of incredible and having received critical acclaim for their debut album “Aces Wild” it is safe to say that their sophomore record is in the highly anticipated section of the comic book store. It is said

Review: “Forever Below” by Putrascension

It has been a long hard road out of hell for New Jersey Blackened Death Metal quintet Putrascension. An outfit comprised of seasoned veteran musicians known for their prior convictions in Windfaerer, Replicant, WolfCloak, Tombs, Abacinate, Kalopsia and Hammer Fight to name but a few, they have had to endure a two year wait to deliver

NEWS: Degrave promise More balls! More volume! More speed!

Raised on hate and hooch it should come as no surprise that the third album “Volume” from Missouri Thrash overlords Degrave is comprised of ten tracks of turmoil fueled by cheap beer, good friends and low morals. Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have announced they will be distributing that on 3rd November and offered “Overlord”

NEWS: Putrascension trapped in the bowels of hell?

Adorned by cover artwork created by Misanthropic-Art (Asphyx, Behemoth, Dismember, Hooded Menace, Katatonia), the debut album “Forever Below” from New Jersey Blackened Death Metal quintet Putrascension will see release via Horror Pain Gore Death Productions on 6th October. A collection of apocalyptic anthems put together by a collection of musicians known for their work in

NEWS: Destabilizer: Violence is the answer!

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have announced that they will be handing distribution of the debut album “Violence Is The Answer!” from Denmark chaotic Thrash assassins Destabilizer. Delving into the darkest recesses of the human psyche, it’s psychological warfare at the tempo of the damned in a furious storm of intensity with some blistering solos.

NEWS: Sadistic Force escape from Hell once more!

Armed for the apocalypse with songs inspired by serial killers, stalkers, and necrophiliacs, Austin Texas Blackened Speed Metal trio Sadistic Force will transport listeners into a dark and twisted sonic arena that exposes the harsh realities of human depravity and violence when they unleash their sophomore album “Midnight Assassin” on 13th October. They already have

NEWS: Road Pig celebrate ancient noise!

Featuring post-apocalyptic artwork and layout by Fred Grabosky of Form Terror Growth (Pig Destroyer, Innumerable Forms, Come To Grief), Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have announced that 1st September will see them unveil a piece of work from Road Pig. Hailing from New Jersey, the dystopian, d-beat warriors feature in their ranks members and former