Exclusive Interview: Faces of Eve on UK Tech-Fest!

There is now a little under a month to UK Tech-Fest, one of the highlights of the summer with a varied line-up of bands from all corners of the globe converging on Newark Showgrounds for four days of wall to wall Metal! We caught up with Faces of Eve for an exclusive interview to get their thoughts on the excitement before their first appearance at the event!

First off, how does it feel to have your name on the flyer for the 2019 incarnation of UK Tech-Fest, alongside the likes of Monuments, Shokran & Polaris? 

It feels sooo good! This is a festival we have been trying to get involved with for a fair few years now, and the fact that some of our favourite bands are playing it is the icing on the cake!

Obviously we’re going to get new single “Sleeper” in the set, it would be criminal not to! Do you have anything special lined up for the show? What are you looking forward to most about the weekend? 

Well actually come to mention it, we have another cheeky new single which is yet to be released, so eyes peeled everyone 🙂 We’re also so stoked to hang out with our pals BORDERS, we’ve toured the uk with them in the past and so this has a real messy potential around the tents haha

On the subject of “Sleeper”, how did the single come about? The self-titled album dropped in 2017 so can we expect anything new from you anytime soon?

(Dan) “Sleeper” and the follow up single came about so naturally which made the whole process a delight and made the song sound so unforced, everything just fell into place after the writing of the first riff.

One thing we love about Faces of Eve’s sound is the all clean vocals. It’s brave when so many are mixing it up with the uncleans and gives the sound a real soulful vibe. Do you have any desire to tinker with the core sound?

Haha well you’d be surprised at how many comments we get regarding screaming vocals and how many people request it during a song. We’ve thought about slamming some into a track but then we’d be following trends and not staying true to our sound, who knows, a song in the not to distant future might scream out for a section!

What are your major influences? If Metal Hammer came knocking on your door tomorrow and asked you to lay down a cover song for an upcoming cover CD, what would be your choice?

Good question! I think to be honest all of us would say a different band from slightly different genres, so to reach the whole playing field then MCR, DEFTONES, COHEED AND CAMBRIA, SLAVES USA, PROTEST THE HERO.

METAL HAMMER! Get at us, we’re ready haha.

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