The Black Map #106: Arimea from Oxford!

How many female fronted DJent fueled Alternative Metal bands from Oxford do you know of? None? Then it must be time we put Arimea on The Black Map! Whitney Cooper, Richard Stedman, Tom Cooper, Dave Curtis and Luke Coppuck took to the stage for their live debut with Press To Meco in October 2019, a hometown throwdown at the O2 Academy 2 and haven’t looked back since. A month later they premiered their first single “Dreadnought” and ten days later their debut EP “Castle Bravo“. A 26 minute, 6 track, 8 string guitar affair with all clean sung vocals from Whiney Copper, it’s longer than some albums have been of late and just one track away from qualifying as one on streaming services. Shows in Oxford and Bristol with Kite Thief and THC Dreams have followed as the band entered the now on hold 20th Anniversary of Bloodstock Metal 2 The Masses event. There they took on Weaponry, Burned For Heresy, Doomtrodon and Transients… Who will be in this very feature in a couple of weeks. So we’re leaving you with the music video for the title track of “Castle Bravo” by Arimea for your viewing pleasure!

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