Under The Influence #62: Behold The Void on “The Purging” by Terra Tenebrosa!

A Swedish Avant-garde Black Metal band from Stockholm Sweden, Terra Tenebrosa was formed from the ashes of former Post-Hardcore act Breach in 2009. It was two years before they were ready with their nightmarish first studio album The Tunnels” which appeared in 2011 before their second, “The Purging” surfaced in 2013. That album takes the trio a few steps further, creating a punishing and uncomfortable listen of unorthodox and unhinged moments of musical extremity that is as cold as it is bleak, redefining the limits of the Black Metal genre by incorporating moments of venomous Hardcore and left field thoughts. The album is a lonely and desolate prison of distress and misery with sinister tremolo riffs, thunderous drumming and the kind of vocals that send a shiver down your spine, before wrenching it out and swinging around the bands collective skulls as a trophy.

Behold The Void vocalist Daniil Kaverin comments: “It was hard to define which album influenced us the most. Because you don’t really extract your inspiration from just one source. I know, it’s against the rules but I just have to name two albums. One of them inspired our guitarist, Evgeny, and of course it’s Humanity’s Last Breath‘s self-titled album. It’s just beautiful and heavy at the same time and what is more it has so many unique and twisted moments which move the borders of your imagination to the edge of the world. But for me, the lyricist of our band, it was Terra Tenebrosa‘s album “The Purging”. I’ve never heard something more disturbing and creepy. Whole album is like an embodiment of all your darkest thoughts, your nightmares. Especially I wanted to mention the track called “Disintegration”. I don’t know the lyrics, I just couldn’t find them, but its name and second half of the song inspired me so much. This part I mentioned is like a funnel of blackness so thick and dry, you just drown in it without any shadow of hope

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