The Black Map #138: Force of Mortality from Oxford!
Spending the better part of a year in the shadowy basement practice room (or dingy garage) recording a debut full length after the success of their 2017 EP “Reincarnate The Immortal“, Oxford quartet Force of Mortality had been been trimmed from a quartet to a trio [Christmas gag? Trimming the tree? Too soon? ~ Ed.] following the departure of lead guitarist LJ in 2018. That didn’t however stop Danny “DB” Bhatt, Colin “The Doctor” Lewis and Andrew “Mazza” Marriott from plotting and scheming their way to a triumphant return with “New Dark World” with bassist The Doctor picking up the mantle and throwing down the lead parts in the studio, made all the easier no doubt by having their drummer DB in the producers chair. If evidence is needed then you only need to look to the storytelling of Quentin Tarantino esq lead single “Driver” for your Metal fix.