Tag: Municipal Waste

Review: “Black EP” by Citizen Rage

Hardcore Punks from Calgary, Alberta Canada who like to tear apart controversial topics in pursuit of social change, Citizen Rage have been dropping independent bomb shell EPs since forming in 2014 and taking their music on the road, playing festivals like Armstrong Metal Fest, Loud as Hell, East-Town Get Down, Lethbridge Deathfest, and Decimate Metal

Review: “Take ‘M To The Guillotine” by Cuttermess

Sometimes it takes time to get things how you want them to be. Recorded, mixed and mastered at the highly acclaimed Hearse Studio (Aborted, Wiegedood, Cytotoxin) by a band who feature in their ranks members and former members of no less than Octahedron, I Inside, Poseydon, Capital Scum, Roll The Dice, Los Vendettaz, Push Right Back, Aguynguerran

Review: “Thrashmageddon” by Demolizer

When you have an album titled “Thrashmageddon” as a self respecting Metal Head, you should know what to expect. The resurgence in the Thrash Metal scene during recent years has been a mixed affair but bands like Havok and Hazzerd have been leading the charge with London’s Thrasherwolf waving the flag held aloft by Anthrax,

Review: “Thrash Impact” by Psychoïd

Originally formed back in 2006 in Paris,  Psychoïd are a Thrash Metal quartet with influences as you might expect from the big four as well as likes of Sepultura. Their first EP entitled “Thrash Test” didn’t appear until 2016 due to line up issues but brought them some critical acclaim as they defended it on stages

Review: “A New Dawn” by At Sacrament

In the heart of South America, Nicolás Peralta (Rhythm guitar, solos), Renato Zandonai (Drums), Alexis Martínez (Vocals), Fabián Giménez (Rhythm guitar, solos), Wilson Paniagua (Bass guitar) formed Thrash act At Sacrament against all odds, in the middle of a Pandemic. They formed in Ciudad Del Este Paraguay in early 2020 and spent six months writing “A New

NEWS: Super Nintendo Vs Head In A Jar!

A triple vocal attack and a thematic focus on the bizarre separates Sydney Australia’s Pizza Thrash crew Head In A Jar from the pack and in line to the throne of Municipal Waste. They’ve dropped a hilarious music video for “Big Punch at Little Lunch” from their current album “Free From The Fridge” in classic

Review: “Push The Button” by Dead Tree Seeds

Like so many, Dead Tree Seeds is a band formed from the ashes of a previous project. When Triakanthos split back in 2009, drummer Alexandre Prudent formed this new outfit and after a few line up changes 2013 saw their debut “Seeds Of Thrash” land a square punch to the jaw of the detractors. Over

Review: “Free from the Fridge” by Head In A Jar

Uncompromising speed, a triple vocal attack and a thematic focus on the bizarre? That would be Sydney Australian Crossover Thrash Metallers Head In A Jar. Drummer Marcus Alvarez is the only member of the band not leading his throat to the bands work with bassist Adrian Suljanovic and guitarist duo Nick Coady and Gordy Whyte

Bootleg: Cannabis Corpse in New York!

Performing at ABC No Rio in New York City on 3rd October 2009 off the back of their “Tube of the Resonated” album, here’s a full set from Cannabis Corpse, a band devoted the joys of smoking weed and listening to Cannibal Corpse… The Virginia based five, piece the brainchild of Municipal Waste Philip ‘Landphil’ Hall,

Interview: Municipal Waste talk to Resurrection Fest!

Richmond Virginia crossover Thrash act Municipal Waste played their first show at a Richmond New Year’s Eve Keg party and then got blamed for inciting a riot. They spoke to Resurrection Fest three months before their current EP “The Last Rager” appeared in this newly renovated interview before their set at Spain’s biggest Metal Festival.