Rabidfest 2022: Breaking Down The Bands #13: Wall!

Walk under ladders, Shatter seven mirrors, They say that’s bad luck, For seven years, So, drink your glasses, But not at midnight, Salt over your shoulder, Into the fury!

Thirteen is unlucky for some but someone has to grab the bull by the horns. There are 20 bands playing this year’s incarnation of Rabidfest but there are three that have a unique link. As if not content with their roles in Desert Storm and The Grand Mal, the two Princess that are Oxford Royalty in twins Ryan Cole (guitars) and Elliot Cole (drums) brought to life a third project during… some Global situation or other. A band that we had the pleasure of witnessing at the 20th Anniversary of “Carpe Diem” by Will Haven at Camden Underworld earlier this summer, WALL is the brothers instrumental outlet for worshippers of the riff. Combining Sludge, Stoner and Doom Metal vibes inspired by the likes of Karma To Burn, High On Fire and of course Black Sabbath they have recorded a pair of EPs at Shonk Studio with engineer Jimmy Hetherington, releasing both through their other bands label home APF Records.

As an official Media Partner for RABIDFEST 2022 this November, the organisers have given us an offer especially for you! If you want 10% off entry to Rabidfest to use the code: METALNOISE10. The code applies to standard weekend and day tickets only as group tickets and child tickets are already discounted! The Festival will take place at The Bullingdon over the weekend of 5th and 6th November 2022! So what are you waiting for?!

Get your tickets here -> https://www.rabidfest.co.uk

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