Vs. Tuesday: Two Bands! One Song! Who Wins? FIGHT! “Disciple” edition #2

Alright… We know what you’re going to say. “Disciple” from Slayer? You’ve done that before! Well… You’d be right. We have. Aerogramme have done it. Counting Days have done it. But Slayer are without a doubt one of the most important and influential bands in the modern Metal scene after Metallica! When their final tour comes to and end and they hang up those guitars it’s going to be a sorry state of affairs. Is it better to go out on a high or slowly fade away and potentially damage your legacy with some questionable final albums?

In the Red corner we have The Modern Age Slavery a Death Metal quintet from Reggio Emilia in Italy who have been at this Metal game since 2007.

In the Blue corner we have Devolved who recorded their version for 2011’s “Oblivion”. The Technical Death Metallers famously moved from the Australian Gold Coast to Los Angeles California in 2005 and feature former Devil You Know drummer John Sankey in their ranks! Who Wins? You Decide!

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